Source code for lucidmode.models

# -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- #
# -- Project: lucidmode                                                                                  -- #
# -- Description: A Lightweight Framework with Transparent and Interpretable Machine Learning Models     -- #
# -- python script with Machine Learning Models                                               -- #
# -- Author: IFFranciscoME -                                                   -- #
# -- license: GPL-3.0 License                                                                            -- #
# -- Repository:                                                  -- #
# -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- #

# -- Load other scripts
import lucidmode.propagate as prop
import lucidmode.regularization as reg
import lucidmode.learning.execution as ex

# -- Load libraries for script
import numpy as np
import inspect

# Expose the following classes to the exterior
__all__ = ['NeuralNet', 'LogisticRegression']

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- FEEDFORWARD MULTILAYER PERECEPTRON -- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- #

[docs]class NeuralNet: """ Artificial Neural Network: Feedforward multilayer pereceptron. It supports a wide variations of topologies, from number of hidden layers, number of hidden neurons per layer, one input layer and one output layer where both of them could have from 1 to N number of neurons. Parameters ---------- hidden_l: list (of int) Number of neurons to include per hidden layer. hidden_a: list (list of str, with length hidden_l) Activation of hidden layers output_n: int Number of neurons in output layer output_a: str Activation of output layer (str) hidden_r / output_r: list (of str, of size l_hidden) list with each pre-layer weights and biases regularization criteria, options are: - 'l1': Lasso regularization :math:`|b|` - 'l2': Ridge regularization :math:`|b|^2` - 'elasticnet': :math:`C(L1 - L2)` - 'dropout': Randomly (uniform) select N neurons in layer and turn its weight to 0 cost: str cost information for model. - 'function': 'binary-logloss', 'multi-logloss', 'mse' - 'reg': {'type': ['l1', 'l2', 'elasticnet'], 'lambda': 0.001, 'ratio': 0.01} init: str initialization of weights specified from compile method """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS CONSTRUCTOR -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- # def __init__(self, hidden_l, hidden_a, output_n, output_a, cost=None, hidden_r=None, output_r=None, optimizer=None): super().__init__(hidden_l=hidden_l, hidden_a=hidden_a, output_n=output_n, output_a=output_a, cost=cost, hidden_r=hidden_r, output_r=output_r, optimizer=optimizer) """ ANN Class constructor Returns ------- self: Modifications on instance of class """ # Number of neurons per hidden layer self.hidden_l = hidden_l # Activation of hidden layers self.hidden_a = hidden_a # Number of neurons in output layer self.output_n = output_n # Activation of output layer (str) self.output_a = output_a # Regularization criteria for pre-output-layer weights and biases self.output_r = output_r # Cost function definition self.cost = cost # Cost function definition self.optimizer = optimizer # Regularization criteria for pre-hidden-layer weights and biases self.hidden_r = hidden_r # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEIGHTS INITIALIZATION -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- #
[docs] def init_weights(self, input_shape, init_layers, random_state=1): """ Weight initialization of a model that was previously instantiated by a topology formation process Parameters ---------- input_shape: int number of features (inputs) in the model init_layers: list (of str, with size of n_layers) list with each layer criteria for weights initialization, with options: - 'common-uniform': Commonly used factor & uniformly distributed random weights [1] - 'xavier_uniform': Xavier factor & uniformly distributed random weights [1] - 'xavier_normal': Xavier factor & standard-normally distributed random weights [1] - 'he-standard': Factor formulatated according to [2] References ---------- - **[1]** X. Glorot and Y. Bengio, "Understanding the difficulty oftraining deep feedforward neural networks. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics", 2010. - **[2]** He et al, "Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 1026-1034, doi: 10.1109/ICCV.2015.123. """ # reproducibility np.random.seed(random_state) # number of hidden layers layers = len(self.hidden_l) # hidden layers weights for layer in range(0, layers): # store the type of initialization used for each layer self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['i'] = init_layers # number of Neurons in layer nn = self.hidden_l[layer] # multiplication factor (depends on the activation function) according to [1] mf = 4 if self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['a'] == 'tanh' else 1 # check input dimensions for first layer if layer == 0: n_prev = input_shape n_next = self.hidden_l[layer] # following layers are the same else: n_prev = self.hidden_l[layer-1] n_next = self.hidden_l[layer] # As mentioned in [1] if init_layers == 'common-uniform': # Boundaries according to uniform distribution common heuristic r = mf * np.sqrt(1/nn) # Hidden layer weights and bias self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['W'] = np.random.uniform(-r, r, size=(n_next, n_prev)) # Output layer self.layers['ol']['W'] = np.random.uniform(-r, r, size=(self.output_n, self.hidden_l[-1])) # Bias weigths in zero self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['b'] = np.zeros((nn, 1)) self.layers['ol']['b'] = np.zeros((self.output_n, 1)) # According to eq:16 in [1] elif init_layers == 'xavier-uniform': # Boundaries according to uniform distribution common heuristic r = mf * np.sqrt(6/(n_prev + n_next)) # Hidden layer weights and bias self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['W'] = np.random.uniform(-r, r, size=(n_next, n_prev)) # Output layer self.layers['ol']['W'] = np.random.uniform(-r, r, size=(self.output_n, self.hidden_l[-1])) # Bias weigths in zero self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['b'] = np.zeros((nn, 1)) self.layers['ol']['b'] = np.zeros((self.output_n, 1)) # A variation of the previous, according to [1] elif init_layers == 'xavier-standard': # Multiplying factor (paper version) r = mf * np.sqrt(2/(n_prev + n_next)) # Hidden layer weights and biasW self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['W'] = np.random.randn(n_next, n_prev) * r # Output layer self.layers['ol']['W'] = np.random.randn(self.output_n, self.hidden_l[-1]) * r # Bias weigths in zero self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['b'] = np.zeros((nn, 1)) self.layers['ol']['b'] = np.zeros((self.output_n, 1)) # According to [2] elif init_layers == 'he-standard': # Multiplying factor r = mf * np.sqrt(2/(n_prev + n_next)) # Hidden layer weights and bias self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['W'] = np.random.randn(n_next, n_prev) * r # Output layer self.layers['ol']['W'] = np.random.randn(self.output_n, self.hidden_l[-1]) * r # Bias weigths in zero self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['b'] = np.zeros((nn, 1)) self.layers['ol']['b'] = np.zeros((self.output_n, 1)) else: print('Raise Error')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAYERS FORMATION -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- #
[docs] def formation(self, cost=None, optimizer=None, init=None, metrics=None): """ Neural Network Model Formation. Parameters ---------- cost: dict Details of the cost function. Includes the following elements: - 'cost_f': Cost function by its name, options are: {'logloss', 'mse'} - 'cost_r': Cost regularization optimizer: dict, str type: Name of method for optimization params: parameters according to method init: weight initialization metrics: metrics to monitor training Returns ------- self: Modifications on instance of class """ # Hidden layers self.layers = {'hl_' + str(layer): {'W': {}, 'b':{}, 'a': {}, 'r':self.hidden_r[layer]} for layer in range(0, len(self.hidden_l))} # Output layer self.layers.update({'ol': {'W': {}, 'b': {}, 'a': self.output_a, 'r': self.output_r}}) # iterative layer formation loop for layer in range(0, len(self.hidden_l)): # layer neurons composition self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['W'] = None # layer biases self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['b'] = None # layer activation # if only 1 activation function was provided, use it for all hidden layers act = self.hidden_a[0] if len(self.hidden_a) == 1 else self.hidden_a[layer] self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['a'] = act # layer regularization self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['r'] = self.hidden_r[layer] # layer weights initialization self.layers['hl_' + str(layer)]['i'] = '' # Weights initialization self.init_weights(input_shape=init['input_shape'], init_layers=init['init_layers']) # Cost (function and regularization definition) self.cost = cost # Metrics to track progress on learning self.metrics = metrics # Optimizer self.optimizer = optimizer # Store evolution of cost and other metrics across epochs history = {self.cost['function']: {'train': {}, 'val': {}}} history.update({metric: {'train': {}, 'val': {}} for metric in self.metrics}) self.history = history
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ FIT MODEL PARAMETERS (LEARNING) -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- #
[docs] def fit(self, x_train, y_train, x_val=None, y_val=None, epochs=10, alpha=0.1, verbosity=3, random_state=1, callback=None, randomize=False): """ Train a previously specified (formed) model according to specified parameters. Parameters ---------- x_train: np.array / pd.Series Features data with nxm dimensions, n = observations, m = features y_train: np.array / pd.Series Target variable data, dimensions of: nx1 por binary classification and nxm for multi-class x_val: np.array / pd.Series Same as x_train but with data considered as validation y_val: np.array / pd.Series Same as y_train but with data considered as validation epochs: int Epochs to iterate the model training alpha: float Learning rate for Gradient Descent cost_f: str Cost function, options are according to functions verbosity: int level of verbosity to show progress 3: cost train and cost val at every epoch callback: dict whether there is a stopping criteria or action {'earlyStopping': {'metric': 'acc', 'threshold': 0.80}} Returns ------- history: dict with dynamic keys and iterated values of selected metrics """ # Store callbacks in class self.callbacks = callback # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRAINING EPOCHS -- # epoch_count = epochs epoch_for = 0 while epoch_count > 0: epoch_count -= 1 epoch_for += 1 # reproducibility np.random.seed(random_state) m_train = x_train.shape[0] # -- Stochastic Gradient Descent if self.optimizer['type'] == 'SGD': # get value for batch size batch_size = self.optimizer['params']['batch_size'] # if batch size is 0 then use all of samples batch_size = m_train if batch_size == 0 else batch_size # No random sampling by default s_x_train = x_train s_y_train = y_train if randomize: # randomize samples perm_train = list(np.random.permutation(m_train)) s_x_train = x_train[perm_train, :] s_y_train = y_train[perm_train] # number of batches n_train = np.trunc(m_train / batch_size).astype(int) # iterate over all batches for k in range(n_train): batch_x = s_x_train[k*batch_size : (k + 1)*batch_size, :] batch_y = s_y_train[k*batch_size : (k + 1)*batch_size] grads = prop._forward_backward(self, batch_x, batch_y, x_val=x_val, y_val=y_val, epoch=epoch_for) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLBACK CHECK -- # if ex.callback_es(self, epoch_for) == 'triggered': return 'callback triggered' # If remaining batch is left, iterate over it if m_train % batch_size != 0: num_last_batch = m_train - (batch_size * n_train) batch_x = s_x_train[m_train - num_last_batch:m_train, :] batch_y = s_y_train[m_train - num_last_batch:m_train] grads = prop._forward_backward(self, batch_x, batch_y, x_val=x_val, y_val=y_val, epoch=epoch_for) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLBACK CHECK -- # if ex.callback_es(self, epoch_for) == 'triggered': return 'callback triggered' # Update all layers weights and biases for l in range(0, len(self.hidden_l) + 1): # Model Elements layer = list(self.layers.keys())[l] dW = grads['dW_' + str(l + 1)] W = self.layers[layer]['W'] db = grads['db_' + str(l + 1)] b = self.layers[layer]['b'] # If the layer has regularization criteria if self.layers[layer]['r']: r_t = self.layers[layer]['r']['type'] r_l = self.layers[layer]['r']['lmbda'] r_r = self.layers[layer]['r']['ratio'] regW = reg._l1_l2_EN([W], type=r_t, lmbda=r_l, ratio=r_r)/x_train.shape[0] regb = reg._l1_l2_EN([b], type=r_t, lmbda=r_l, ratio=r_r)/x_train.shape[0] # No regularization else: regW, regb = 0 # Gradient updating self.layers[layer]['W'] = W - (self.optimizer['params']['learning_rate'] * dW) + regW self.layers[layer]['b'] = b - (self.optimizer['params']['learning_rate'] * db) + regb # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLBACK CHECK -- # if ex.callback_es(self, epoch_for) == 'triggered': return 'callback triggered' # -- levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm elif self.optimizer['type'] == 'LMA': return 'coming soon'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS/VALUE PREDICTION -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- #
[docs] def predict(self, X, threshold=0.5): """ Computes a class or value prediction given the inherited model of the class. Parameters ---------- x_train: np.array Array with n-dimensional samples to generate the predictions from. threshold: float Threshold value for the classification case. Default is 0.5 """ # inherit data from class memory = prop._forward_propagate(self, X) # -- SINGLE-CLASS if self.output_n == 1: p = memory['A_' + str(len(self.hidden_l) + 2)] # binary classification indx = p > threshold p[indx] = 1 p[~indx] = 0 # -- MULTI-CLASS else: # One Versus Rest criteria for predicted class p = np.argmax(memory['A_' + str(len(self.hidden_l) + 2)], axis=1) return p
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBABILISTIC PREDICTION -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- #
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """ Given the input samples, generates the class probability predictions for all the classes specified in the target variable. Inherits the model, hyperparameters and execution conditions from the class after the fit method is called. """ # inherit data from class memory = prop._forward_propagate(self, X) p = memory['A_' + str(len(self.hidden_l) + 2)] return p
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODEL INSPECTION -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- #
[docs] def inspect(self, *params): """ Method for model inspection, which consists in a terminal print of the model topology and values through the use of the inspect method from the rich package for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. Parameters ---------- params: list With the parameters to select which element to include in the console print, all the elements included in the list will be considered in conjunction, the options are the following: - 'help': Show full help for the model - 'methods': Show just callable methods - 'private-l1' Priavate and layer 1 methods (beginning with single underscore) - 'private-l2' Priavate and layer 2 methods (beginning with double underscore) References ---------- """ inspect(obj=self, title='Multi-Layer Perceptron Object', help=True) return 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- # # --------------------------------------------------------------- LOGISTIC REGRESSION WITH REGULARIZATION-- # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- #
[docs]class LogisticRegression: """ Logistic Regression model under construction ... Parameters ---------- - 'l1': Lasso regularization :math:`|b|` - 'l2': Ridge regularization :math:`|b|^2` - 'elasticnet': :math:`C(L1 - L2)` """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS CONSTRUCTOR -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- # def __init__(self, penalty='elasticnet'): """ """ self.penalty = penalty # ------------------------------------------------------------------ FIT MODEL PARAMETERS (LEARNING) -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- # def fit(): pass # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS PREDICTION -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- # def predict(): pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBABILISTIC PREDICTION -- # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- # def predic_proba(): pass